
My life thus far

Full-Stack Developer @ Tryfetch

While working at Tryfetch I have improved my skill set, toolkit & my approach to object orientation substantially.

Building & updating bank statement data & transaction scrapers from uploaded PDFs via the client-facing GraphQL API Creating endpoints using GraphQL for client-facing APIs.

Laravel Dusk, used for online banking scraping of client bank accounts via GraphQL API, to fetch their account information, transactions & PDF statements

Implemented a file drop system with the integrated ability to parse the dropped PDFs to the bank statement parser API & from that export each PDF's account information & transactions on request or as a bull export of multiple files into a compressed zip file in the selected format (xlsx, csv, json).

Updating of client onboarding journey code for consumer-facing sites, where the consumer will do credit checks, uploading of PDF's which get parsed & validated or scraped via the online banking option.

Integration of the credit check via Experian with a GraphQL client-facing API service

Full Stack Developer @ PZero Systems

Building frontends & backends for clients using VueJS & Laravel Frameworks

Integrating systems via REST & SOAP APIs

All of the projects I was involved in use LAMP systems.

I have been working on a few different projects over the last 4 years the two main ones being a CRM focused on Internet Service Providers & a complete packaged portal where sales agents can sell products to people all while doing credit checks, bank account verification & authorising debit orders against the clients

Main points of the ISP CRM

Building Reports

Radius user injection from CMS to Radius server

Bandwidth shaping (integrating across multiple technologies)

Accounting (integrated with 3rd party APIs)

Debit Orders (integrated with 3rd party APIs)

VoIP (integrated with 3rd party APIs)

Inventory / Stock management

Technician scheduling & timeline interface (Integrated with Google Calendar API)

Mass mailing system (Can integrate with AWS)

Integrations with Fibre Network Operators API's to do feasibility checks & place/monitor orders

Google Maps integration

Full ticketing system working with both Email & WhatsApp

Dynamic client contract system

The other main project I have been working on is a portal where sales agents in the field can sell products to clients on a rent-to-own basis. This project integrates into a good few APIs both RESTful & SOAP to do credit checks, account affordability & the ability to issue debit order acceptance from the clients via the multiple options the banks offer (push to cellphone app, ATM, physical terminal machine).

Systems Administrator @ Megs

Networks consist of thousands of wireless clients connected via Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Saie, Linkra, Cambium & Motorola Wireless Devices

Configuration of wireless client boards via PPPoE to Highsite.

Doing mass updates & backups of Mikrotik wireless devices via SSH & key-based authentication via self wrote script.

Mumudvb IPTV Server Setup, Configuration, Custom scripts, user interfaces (bash menu & PHP web) & Maintenance.

VLC Streaming server for live camera streaming to PHP web interface & custom bash check & notification scripts.

Asterisk & FreePBX Setup, Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Custom configurations.

Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Infinite & Motorola Wireless device Advanced Setup (firewalling, scripts, static & OSPF routing).

AutoProvisioning of VoIP phones via HTTP to custom PHP script & MySQL database.

Radius server Setup, configuration & integration into all clients Mikrotik’s.

Antispam & intrusion rules on Mikrotik’s.

Custom security scripts & hacking protection implementation into existing Linux infrastructure.

SNMP setup & custom bash script checking of results & automatic interaction/notification.

Configuring & managing Lusca/Squid Proxy Servers.

SMTP-Gated, Clam AV, Spamassassin configuration & maintenance.

TProxy Squid & SMTP Gated configuration & Maintenance & co-intergration.

Tier 2 Linux Support @ Syrex Intranets

Maintaining, configuring & managing over 600 client servers & networks (CentOS, Redhat &Windows).

Asterisk/FreePBX Customisation, Setup, Maintenance & Troubleshooting.

IPTables, Packet Filtering & Connection Tracking.

OpenFiler NAS Device Setup & Maintenance.

KVM Virtual Machines.

Linux MDADM Software Raid Setups.

Preventive Maintenance.

Nagios, MRTG & Cacti Setup/Configuration's.

Custom Bash Script Writing.

Installation & Customisation of Backup for Workgroups.

IPsec, PP2P & VTun VPN Setups# Zarafa Maintenance & Troubleshooting.

Mikrotik & Ruckus Wireless Device Setup & Maintenance.

Network Diagrams for planning & reference.

Let's talk!

I would love to hear from you!
Wesley Classen
Full-Stack PHP Developer