I provide everything you need for your perfect website

Website Review

I make sure your website is performing its best by thoroughly reviewing it before making any changes. I look for potential issues a user might face, big or small, and make suggestions about how improvements could be made to fix that, ensuring your user is always on the right path to achieve their goals.

Business Strategy

I help you define your business goals and objectives, and then create a strategy to achieve them. I will help you identify your target audience, and then create a plan to reach them.

User Experience Design

I design your website to be as easy to use as possible while guiding users towards the end goal. Putting the user's experience first, making it easier to help you achieve your business goals.

Tailored Development

I build your website from scratch, using the latest technologies and best practices. I make sure your website is built to be fast, secure, and easy to maintain. I build with your goals in mind, whether you want a simple flexible website or a custom storefront. I focus on making websites easy to work with so your team have full control, while keeping code maintainable for easy updates.

Rigorous Testing

I ensure your website is of excellent quality by thoroughly testing with multiple approaches. Whether you're looking to ensure consistency across multiple browsers, want reassurance code works as expected or want to isolate visual components, testing helps guarantee everything works as expected.

Ongoing Support

Your website is always growing. Whether you're adding new features or making improvements, I'm here to help. I won't leave you guessing how your own website works and will always be available to answer any questions you might have.

Let's talk!

I would love to hear from you!
Wesley Classen
Full-Stack PHP Developer